How to Get More Reviews for Your Business
Why are reviews important for my business? Reviews are social proof. Social proof is the key to getting more sales, which lead to more reviews, which lead to more sales, ad infinitum. All reviews are important. Obviously positive reviews are good for telling potential...
Digital Marketing for Local Businesses
Alright folks, it’s 2021. If you’ve made it this far without digital marketing, good on ya. You’ve either have a huge referral network or you’ve managed to pull off the next-to-impossible. But for many local businesses today, digital marketing can make or break your...
Social Media for Business: Getting Started
Every day, over 4 billion people use social media. That’s more than half the global population. So maybe your business should be using it too. Go where the people are. If your business isn’t on social media, you’re missing out on a major marketing opportunity. Social...
5 Ways to Get More Website Traffic
Build it and they will come? That movie magic might work for baseball diamonds in Iowa corn fields, but in the real world, people won’t be checking out your website just because it exists. To bring in a steady stream of traffic, you need to follow a few specific...
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